【Josu Elberdin編《油桐花》】FOR SATB
詞曲/呂金守 編曲/艾爾柏汀 Josu Elberdin
關於│油桐花 Yu Tung Fa(Tung Oil Blossom)
暮春初夏時節,台灣西部最美麗的風景,莫過於滿山遍野的油桐花。音樂家呂金守(Kim-Siu LU, 1935-2017)的創作童謠《油桐花》藉由描繪這幅如畫的風景來訴說客家人溫柔敦厚又堅忍卓絕的個性。來自西班牙巴斯克地區的新生代作曲家艾爾柏汀(JosuElberdin, b. 1976),對於油桐花的美景著迷不已,特別將這首童謠改編成混聲四部無伴奏合唱,以細緻幽微的和聲與單純美好的聖詠風格來加強「滿山白花、繽紛飄落如飛雪」的印象,非常優美。此曲由台北愛樂室內合唱團委託創作,於2018年TIFA台灣國際藝術節首演。
During late spring to early summer, the most amazing sight of western Taiwan is the full bloom of Tung Oil Blossom in the mountains. Composer Kim-Su Lu (1935-2017) wrote this children’s song to describe this picture-perfect sight and how the tung oil blossom symbolize the strong spirit and yet tender loving characteristics of the Hakka people. This piece was arranged by a young Spanish composer from Basque country, Josu Elberdin (b. 1976). He was mesmerized by the beautiful sight of tung oil blossom and arranged this children’s song into a four-part mixed voice choral piece. The subtly fineness harmony and the simplicity of this choral-like arrangement truly reflected the image of “the mountains full of white flowers and they fell like snow (also known as May Snow).” It was commissioned by Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir (TPCC) and premiered in 2018 Taipei International Festival of Arts.
編曲者│艾爾柏汀 Josu Elberdin
西班牙新生代最亮眼作曲家艾爾柏汀(Josu Elberdin, b. 1976) 畢業於帕賽阿音樂院(Conservatory of Pasaia),集鋼琴家、管風琴家、合唱歌手、作曲家於一身,是一位全方位的音樂家。他曾贏得 Tolosa Music Contest、Lore jokoak composer Contest⋯等多項作曲比賽大獎,也曾被 Tolosako Nazioarteko Abesbatzen Lehiaketa、Antigua Abesbatzen Lehiaketa⋯等許多國際知名音樂節和表演團體委託創作。他的作品以合唱為主,也包含多部音樂劇、交響合唱作品,也跨界創作許多流行和搖滾音樂作品。
tpf10@tpf.org.tw (02)2773-3691#120